Friday, February 27, 2009


Heyy Guys :)

Its Fridayyy! Which means one week from today, and as of 5 hours ago, Austin will be here!! And yet even though we've been planning an itinerary for 2 weeks (yes i am that much of a nerd) we still don't know what we're doing that first day. hmm

But in other good news, the C that I was freaking out over managed to become a B. So all is good now ;) I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and you make it through this first weekend without whatever (if anything) you gave up for lent!

Tonight we're going to see one of my amazingly talented friends in a play near Tower Bridge which I'm extremely excited about because she is sure to be a star. The next few days are going to be jam packed with work that I should be doing when Austin is here but wont so next blog= really long time from now.

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