Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Because my Sister thinks my life is "WAY more exciting.."

realllly not :)

So Malta was great! I think it was good to just get away and experience something new. Settled right below Italy, this place is just lovely. It seems like no matter where you go on the island/s you have such a wonderful view of mother nature at its finest.

The people there, were what made it great though. Everyone was super nice & very Euro (by the way they dressed and acted) Their 1st language is Maltese which is a beautful language that I kinda want to learn now. And their food, my God, their food was amazing. Even things you would see on a normal menu, had their own Maltese twist to it. It was also a lot warmer there then in london. Not warm as in lets get naked and go to the beach, but warm like, hey I don't have to wear 3 layers of clothing and a winter coat making me unmovable kinda warm.

This is the 1st winter break where the people I go to school with aren't in driving distance. They're all over the world, so now I reallly have to wait a month to see them again!

I go back to London sometime this week, I'll spend new year's with my fam and then head off to start my new year.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas & has an even better New Years!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Home for Break

So I am officially home for break, or at least thats what they like to call it. You see, the semester isn't over until late Jan which means 2 exams & 2 papers over break :)

I always get a little more homesick when I'm here. At school I have people to keep me distracted and busy, but at home I don't know anyone. The only neighbor I see is always with her dog that is the same height as me and even the horses look at me crazy when I stare them down. I don't have a car here, yet even if I did I wouldn't drive anywhere because a) reguardless of what the british say, the left side is the WRONG side and b) you drive worse than nor. VA-ans. not worse, but crazier I should say. When someone drives slow in the fast(right) lane, you will literally get lights flashed at you from the car behind i.e get out the way. It's pretty much rule here. I think i'll take that back home w. me because people in Virginia don't seem to understand the purpose of the left lane. Not that I have any business there either..

But it's December :) This is the 1st time I didn't/wont celebrate w. my east coasters and what a sad state I'm in. Luckily I'll be distracted by Malta! (yeah I didn't know where it was either) but it'll be warm..er and because I've never seen my skin so light this is good.

"I won't ask for much this Christmas
I don't even wish for snow
I'm just gonna keep on waiting
Underneath the mistletoe
I won't make a list and send it
To the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake to
Hear those magic reindeers click
'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight"
-Most overplayed christmas song ever, yet still amazing.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mrs. Obama


^^Designer's sketches for Inauguration

Sunday, November 30, 2008

I Love December Because:

1. Well it's the last month of the year. And usually by this time I'm am overly ready for it to be over. I'm ready to take the good, the bad and the ugly memories with me into the New Year.
"Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened"
-Dr. Seuss (he always gets it right)

2. I get to listen to Christmas Music 24/7 and no one will look at me weird. (Well not as weird as when I listen to it in April...) I love everything that comes along with the holiday- lights, music, the gingerbread latte I can only get during this season at starbucks. Oddly enough, the actual Xmas day doesn't hold any sentimental value because we're never home, a tradition I'd like to keep.

3. Giving Christmas gifts. I looove loove love giving cute little gifts. Man I am such a girl. I don't know if this is a good thing or not, but I've met some pretty spectacular people in London also, so I have mucho xmas shopping to do.

4. Myy Birthdayy :] Dec.23. My sister's bday (Dec 17) and My neices bday (dec. 31) Anyone that knows me, knows I make birthdays kinda a big deal esp. for my friends & fam. I can never understand why people hate their birthdays, and never celebrate..but to each it's own I guess.
I've befriened a few December babies here too. So for the first time I'm doing a joint birthday party "Adele,Nur & Ashley's Threesome Birthday Celebration." The theme is naughty and nice (Adele's idea-I don't know how I got dragged into this) at Cafe de Paris. Should be interestingg. Anyways thats this Friday. Then the week after the break starts && I get a new (color?) hurr do. Because I'm sure you wanted to know.

So because it's December and I'm especially happy all month long maybe I'll update moree.
But for sure after the birthday shindig.

Turkey Dayy

Thanksgiving was chilll, and a lot different from any other Thanksgiving (although they always are) My pre-meditated plan to cook didn't really work out bc I woke up too late. My mom started at 6am, not to mention the pre-cooking she did the night before. Bless her. (<--soo british to say!)
But here I am decorating cheesecake at the dessert table!
We had four of Rodney's co-workers and their family's come and celebrate with us which was nice to meet everyone and enjoy the holiday. Rodney for some (only God knows why) reason came home w. a wii the day before. So everyone played after eating (when I could barely move..which might explain why I lost to Rodney in bowling.) And of course my mom brought up the idea of Karaoke (which she tends to do at almost EVERY social gathering, in true filipino/asian fashion) But the guests sure enjoyed it, and I always get my ab workout by laughing at the madre for trying to sing. So now I'm back at school and waiting for the month of my birthday to come along already!
Food never looks as good in pictures as it does in real life..but it was delish.

Monday, November 24, 2008

You've just missed the Queen!

As I have almost run out of things to do to procrastinate, I thought I'd let you look at my weekend. My friend visited, so Fi and I took her to see some of the things London is known for.
(Double click to enlarge in case you haven't figure that one out yet :)

And I don't know why that last one won't rotate. Actually, I just don't know how to rotate it.
OH and we literally did just miss the Queen haha
Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Let me enlighten you.

Heyy Guys!

Just wanted to give you a quick update on my life, or lack there of. School is finally picking up and I'm realizing now just how much work there is to do. Even though I only have one assignment per class, its the pain in the arse kind. Lots of researching, interviewing, observing, library-ing and the always interesting
math. Just when I thought I was done after econ & stats my finance class just might be the death of me. Outside of school, I think I have finally become somewhat comfortable with my life here and the friends I've become close with. I've got a new routine now that doesn't invlove Patriot's Village or "studying" in the JC! (miss you kids)

So far, the most interesting part of November was being overseas while the U.S election came to a close. It was complete mania. It was no secret that the UK was all for Obama. His picture was advertised everywhere; parks, tube stations, you couldn't take too many steps without seeing him. On the night of the election, BBC coverage had clearly chosen a side. Somehow they had found a way to give up 5 minutes of air time to talk about McCain and the rest of the night was an Obama frenzy. The "Obama projected to win" statement at the bottom of the screen was there all day, so they obviously had no doubts. Surprisingly, the brits were greatly engaged in the whole process & there were parties held all over London to celebrate. It was great that everyone was so excited about it but it also made me a little homesick. Especially with all the D.C snapshots and the news spent a few minutes talking about VA (virginia beach!!) and had live broadcasting from Culpeper (of all places..)

I'm really excited for this month to be over for December to start :) My absolute favvorite. November should fly by though (To Do List):
  • My friend I've known since middle school is coming up for the weekend (Nov.20)
  • This is my Arts month- I'm checkin out the Museum of London, National Portrait Gallery & Wimbledon Museum (YES! which reminds me I still need to do the application process for tickets, so if you want some tell me!) . I don't know if Buckingham Palace counts, but that and the Changing of the Guards to see if I can make them laugh.
  • I'll realize I have a crapload of work to do after severe amounts of procrastination.
  • Celebrate thanksgiving w. other Americans (finalllyy) & the U.S Ambassador here in London. (I totally want his job but for the Philippines)
  • Then going home to help cook (yiikes) and potentially burn the house down.
I hope everyone had a good Halloween! Oh and btw my birthday is coming uppp :) More details on that laterr.

**Just a few days ago, this earth lost an amazing person who will always be remembered in the most positive light. I think I can talk for the whole class of '06 when I say he will be greatly missed and forever loved. I can't wait to see you again and we're so doing a tennis re-match in Heaven.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Little Ventilation

I'm back and feeling soo much better! It was so good to have a break from everyone and see my mom. Its not the same as home but will have to do. Everyones been asking about the place they got.. Its in a villiage called Stanwick which is country country. We do have neighbors that are (surprisingly) less than 5 miles in distance though. Theres even some American's around! ..who brought over really really good c.c cookies <3 I didn't get any pictures of the house itself but I somehow managed to overload my camera with these gorgeous mammals. So this is the backyard, the english countryside. eh

In other news, I'm def trying to make my way to V.A (birthdayy!) if a much more intriguing place isn't suggested. It's no schock that I'm pretty homesick and seeing some familiar faces could do wonders. If I have to hear ONE MORE person lecture me about my country.......!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's Raining Today! (for the 1st time) God must love me.

Today I'll be going "home" for the first time since uni started. Yep, the 'rents finally found a place they like. I'm curious to see just how much i'll hate/love it, seeing as the only thing my mom has mentioned is that the horses are really nice in the backyard. haha..but really. I'm mostly going home to see a doctor about my ridiculously random phases of sickness my body has decided to go through...But also to help pick out furniture, organize things and such, as they have literally JUST moved in..It will be really nice to have a break from the city (words I never thought I would utter) and have some home cooked meals! (yayy!) So Sunday, I'll be back, hopefully with some kind of peace of mind.

Happy Birthday to the two most beautiful girls in the world <3

Friday, October 3, 2008

First Day of Schoool

..and I feel like a kid again.

Ohh college, the four year interruption.
First off, I suppose I shouldn't call it college, but University. Kids here go from high school--> A-Levels-->college, then to University. As opposed to our straight from high school to University thing.

So I just finished my first week at University, and by week I mean classes on Mondays and Wednesdays (: Lets discuss the major differences...
I'm taking 4 "modules" this semester. 2 on Monday, 2 on Wednesday. Each class comes with a Lecture and a Seminar that are both 1 hour each. In the lecture as you can imagine, its a lot of talking and note-taking. For the seminar, they cut the class in half; each half goes to their assigned time slot and this is where you have discussions, ask all the questions, presentations, etc. It's a fairly good idea, but I'd rather get it all over with in one class.

First Day
The first day student introductions (ex- My name is ____, I'm from _____, I like to _____) are non existent here. It makes sense, they're so time consuming, and no one actually cares or will remember that you like to rockclimb or juggle. In my experience, the first day of classes is a bunch of bs where nothing important actually gets done. Here, they get right down to it. My notebook is already half full.

Its becoming apparent that Universitys here don't care about what your doing along the way, as long as the final output is what they want. All of the classes are comprised of 1 or 2 grades. (!!!) You either have one big project/paper that is meant to be worked on all semster and is due during the final week, OR you just have one final exam. (or both) and the entire module grade depends soley on what your able to produce from your brain at the end of the 12th week. No homework, no classwork, no quizzes, no midterms. (ugh!) I've had the rare 1 or 2 classes like this before at good ole GMU, and needless to say, they wern't on my top 10 list.

The majority of my classes are in the Tower Building. (brown) Which in actuality is like 5 buildings connected by those bridge/tunnel things. You can't see it in the picture, but once you go inside, there is a courtyard in the back and thats where all of the confusion starts. I spent the majority of my first day being so lost (which really isn't different from any other day) and I still couldn't tell you where my classes are at this moment. Next week should be fun!

This is completely random, but needs to be noted. Politics, a topic I stay away from in the presence of other people. Not the English. Oh no. This happens 3 out of the 5 times I meet someone new. As soon as someone hears my American accent, I get bombarded with questions. I've gotten "Why do Americans hate Bush?" 3 times so far, and couting. After that, comes the rants about McCain, Obama, our economy, Hurricane Katrina...This is responded with my smile and a nod as to avoid any disagreements.

"Fresher's Flu"
...I have it. It's not exactly the flu, its just the name they've given to the cold that goes around at the beginning of the year. I usually only get sick once or twice a year, but considering that this weather is usually what my winter is like, i don't know how I'm going to survive their winter. Thank God I have the besties visiting.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Groceries?? hahaha

Piccadilly Circus is famous! for what..well..I don't know..yet we have all heard of it in some way. Seeing it, I was in awe, yet confused at the same time. Piccadilly Circus is a collection of buildings that all look the same with the exception of one that is the host of the huge and famous neon sign; it's like that one in Times Square divided by 50. And here are some pictures of it :)

My mom is coming this weekend, and I can't wait! We will hopefully be doing some of the tourist-y things I have yet to do, because I've been too busy doing Londoner things. And lets touch on that, while we're here. I can't do it anymore! People here are ready to go out every second of every day, and its really taking a toll on me! (not to mention my wallet! lol) Someone told me this was the city that doesn't sleep. (It's scary how much they like to think this is NY) And it's ubelievable how everything is so different, yes we speak the same language, but I still have a hard time understanding it!
Some England knowledge for ya:

  • Instead of asking "How are you?" people say, "You alright?" or "You feel okay?"
I hate this, it makes me feel like I look like death or I seem depressed, when really they just want to know whats going on..

  • "Cheers!" I assuming this is another way of saying "thank you"..? I don't really know how to respond to this, so I just smile and nod. It usually comes at the end of a conversation which enables me to turn and walk away, very fast.

  • The Words I love to hate (and pretty self-explainable): rubbish, bloody, mate, malarkey, crikey, arse (instead of ass..it so bothers me)
I'd just like to add that I miss everyone terribly! I really appreciate all the skype conversations I've had with family and friends and I hope this year goes by very quickly so I can go home and see some fabulous people. I miss you, and you know who you are.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

If your bored..read thesee

Ohhh Philippines, I Still loove you :)

Look at Thiss!! Maybe my mom saw it, she's ova there..?!?
My 2nd favorite thing in the sky

The best part of this week have been the people I have met. I understand that this is London, and its all diverse and blah blah---But why is it, I have been here four days and out of all the people I've talked to, I have met like 3..three..III English people? I'm not complaining though, I love it :)

Yesterday, I had 2 of my 3 meals cooked for me. (Did I mention I love it?) and none of it was English! I had some traditional (Indian) chicken tikka, and my flatmate from Venezuela gave Maho and I a cooking lesson on arepadas. Thats right, rolll that R. I'm so glad people are realizing I'm not much of a cook. And I really love the look of surprise people give me when I tell them I have yet to buy a pot/pan set. Do they really not live off of McDonalds like I do? hmmm

In an attempt to brighten/decorate my room a bit I bought a pot of yellow roses..ahh how pretty they looked in the market; all sunny and open :) Anyone that knows me, knows that the green thumb wasn't one of those traits passed down to me. Unlike my sister, who has some electric-plant growing-light-and watering machine in her kitchen. As a result of my perectly tan thumb, my flowers today have gotten a shade darker, closed by a centimeter (if thats possible) and the leaves aren't even green anymore!! :( so much for my happy flowers.

Soo anyawys..It turns out London was calling my name afterall! ..Today we went by our "campus" which is a bunch of buildings spread out all over the city. Which is a nice change from a closed, very tree and squirell filled campus. Now it's just dirty streets, people, traffic and buses- and yes I like this :)
There are SO many eating places around the particular building where I'll have classes..I mean everything- Chinese take-away, Kebab, African, Jamaican, French..and some I don't even recognize! I can't wait to try everything! maybe I'll get fat here! hahaha..or maybe not.
Today we went to Nandos- a popular Portuguese restaurant- Had a veggie burger and chips (fries) with mango nectar- DEE-LISH

Here are some pictures of the "campus" aka "Buildings labeled LMU on the same street. "

Monday, September 15, 2008

I just might like it here..

Yesterday was my first day in London! It still hasn't hit me that I'm actually here! My housing is on the outskirts of Central London and I'm surrounded by lots of little shops and old apartments that line the streets.

I really didn't know what to think or do at first when my mom left. But unpacking sure wasn't one of them.

The hallway (My 5 other roomates will live within these doors) and my kitchen. The living area is opposite the kitchen, pretty standard. Sorry for the plainess and messiness of everything, most of my shipping isn't here yet :(

My room, from Right >Left: 1. My desk and the right side of the room, 2. bed and left side
3. Back of the room where my bathroom is and 4. the br.

The housing is made of about 6 different buildings, 4 floors, each a different color. We were told that not a lot of the students will be moving in until later this week, So yesterday I was the only person in mine :( It's alright though because I didn't spend too much time in it. I set out on a mission to meet some other people. Most of the ones I met lived a couple buildings down but were all extremly nice and you could see their unexpected look of curiosity as soon as I started speaking my "typical American accent" (what the guy from holland told me) Here, people can tell what area you are from just by your accent! In the states we can only tell if your from the South or the North haha..lets work on that! They get it down to the city! amazing..

So this is the sidewalk you'll be on right outside my housing gate. Its what I will walk on everyday to get to the tube station for school. Its lined with townhouses for a good two blocks (below). The opposite side are little markets and stands.

My Building is On the Left there. And the one next to it are pictures of the townhomes


That night, I wen't out with a girl named Adele, and her visiting friend Sammy. I'm so grateful they sort of took me under their wing, or else I probably would have stayed in. (It seems a lot of people here were told not to go out in our area alone..understandable haha) Anyways, we drove to Central London- Leicester Square and went to a bar/club called Yates. It was amazing! Really big place, the bar practically goes wall to wall, lots of sitting and loung-ey areas(unlike some clubs in the states where you either stand around or dance) I ordered a cosmo and a cranberry&lime w. archers (whatever that means!!, it was by suggestion)

Afterwards, we spent an hour (literally) to look for the car! obviously none of us were paying attention and
it was a good thing one of their guy friends was with us, its probably not the best idea to be walking around london at 2 in the morning! Two good things came of this:

1. Got to learn the streets a bit

2. Saw a member of S Club 7 coming out of a cab!!
(mostly pop band in UK but they had a t.v show in the states a while back..and yes I watched it..)The group I was with was just like..oh theres so and so..and I'm like...why are we not getting pictures/autographs! lol

It's Monday, lets talk about today

It's now 8pm and I have walked to the Tescos grocery store twice today. I could literally stay in there for hoursss just looking at all of their food..Some is the same but a lott is so different and I had to stop my self from putting everything I wanted to try in my basket (I did afterall have to carry it back..only thing I don't like abou
t grocery shopping in a city..always wondered about that)
Across the street from the grocery are a lot of little markets and fresh vegetable stands which I also helped myself too. This place is like a scavenger hunt I find something new every step I take. Theres a lot of little takeaways (to-go) everything from Mexican to Indian to Jamaican. I can't wait to try all their food!
At the moment i'm drinking this mango,lime and apple drink and snacking on toast haha (English enough?) It's heaven.

Anyways, I'll leave you with some pictures of the cities from last night..A lot are a bit blurry because I was riding/walking. haha

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Lied! I'm posting..

For the first time in 3 days, I ventured off my little base, and what an adventure it was! We finally got our 40 miles per gallon rental car (below) A Vauxhall Astra, obviously not American- and Rodney nearly killed us 20 times driving today. -And can I just mention how crazy it is driving on the left side!-Their highways are kinda like L.A's; fast,crazy and crowded. Exactly why I won't be driving in the next 2 years here.

..On to why I went out in the first place, We went house hunting! what funn! It's unfortunate for the english though that most of their houses are so..err...different. (beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all) The majority are so old and even the new ones are meant to look like traditional english houses. You won't see any modern American style houses here (a la california?)
Having said that, I can appreciate a 1920's british styled house like this one we saw today:

My mom hates it though and thinks it's haunted. (I can see that too..can you?)Oh and another thing here, the english LOVE their gardens (I can't imagine why, when there is no good weather to spend any time in it) but this one had a hugee one-complete w. apple and pear trees. It was like a scene from The Secret Garden.

This one is my mom's favorite, which you can't actually see though because its covered by bushes and the garage. It's a bit newer than the first one and is very private. No one can see the front once you close that gate, and it goes all the way around the back to the garden.

I think this is what the more modern ones look like, which is nice too, but I figure if your going to live in England why not live in an Old English house and really get the feel of it!

So we only saw 3 today because the tours took quite a long time and I think we have 3 more tomorrow. I'll end this with some scenery of whats around me! (OH yeah..NOTHING)

Now that I see them, they actually all look the same. sorry about that guys! haha

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Q & A

Because I have been doing a bunch of nothing (nothing writable anyways) I'll answer some questions I've been getting!

1. Where am I?
-No, I am not in London..yet. At the moment I am staying on an American air force base. My mom & Rodney will be staying in this area, so when I start school and want to visit, I will travel just 2 hours to see them. This SUNDAY I will be moving into a 6 person, 6 bathroom, kitchen & living area flat in South London.

2. How is the food there?
- Well, I would love to answer this question. But because I am on an American base I have yet to have any English food. I enjoy my subway, sbarros pizza, American grocery store and the American plug outlets though. Thanks for asking!

3. Do they have rice there?
- I had to put this here because its the funniest question I've heard by far.. I wish I knew.

4. What are the people like? And don't you think they're accents are sexy?
-The english people I have met so far have been incredibly nice and helpful. No I do not think they're accents are sexy unless they're coming out of someone that looks like The Rock, or RK :) (most of you won't get that one..)

So as you can probably tell, it's almost like I never left the U.S. I am surrounded by all things American. I feel like I'll get a complete culture shock when I move (in 3 days!) because It'll be all things English.

Therefore, this blog will be postponed until Sunday night. Then let the stories begin!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Made It Out Alive

Hello All!
Just writing this to let everyone know that I am here. As soon as we got to the London Heathrow Airport, a carrier took us straight to our hotel in Alconbury (2 hours outside of London)

I wish I had some cool pictures to show but we were on a highway the entire time and since we were on the outskirts of the city it was all farms and trees, cows and everything boring. UGH

I really hope London will be different. I have to stay here a week until I go. If it is anything like this place, I am SO coming home ASAP.

Top things I first noticed about England

1. English people like to list things about their country. (literally)
2. "There are 2 types of weather- wet and wetter"
3. It is F'ing Freezing!! (59 degrees F)If this is summer, HOW will I survive winter.
4. Apparently there are a lot of spiders because of the rain or some crap. (Can I get a plane ticket home now?)
5. Alconbury AFB is the smallest base ever.
6. Whatever you think England looks like (from movies or wherever) your probably exactly right.

I can't wait until this week is over and I can move into my flat in London. I'm hoping it will be 20 times better. I miss my family and friends. And more than anything I want to come home.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

This is it :(

Well, today is the last day I spend in the U.S and I'm leaving in about..12 hours! I should put it out there that I definitely do NOT want to go. But I'm giving it a chance and frankly I would surprise myself if by this time next year, I will not already be back in the states praying to God I don't have to go back.
Okay, so it probably won't be that bad..I'm really trying to have an open mind about the whole situation though (really..I'm starting that tomorrow) I don't have to say how much I'll miss everyone here. So I promise to keep this updated as much as possible, and I hope this will make things that much easier so that you all feel just like your here with me!

And if you get bored, ready this article from NY mag..I'm not sure if it encourages me or reassures my thoughts about this city..
London, here I come.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh Dear Lord

I Can't get away from this

- -Under Construction- -

Heyy Everyone. So I'm not leaving until September, meaning this blog would be a little pointless as I'm not living in the UK.
Bare with me until then!

...enjoying my last two weeks in the good ole USA!...